Psilocybin is another gift from nature, showing to man the amazing healing properties Mother Nature has. The substance contained in the appropriate species of mushrooms is a real cure for depression, even the most severe. Its medical uses have been confirmed in many studies, and it may displace all artificially performed antidepressants.

Psilocybin is the active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms.
It has been known for centuries that this specific family of living organisms has healing properties - body and mind. Medical knowledge once again reaches for the secrets of mushrooms and the experiments related to them have been perfectly documented.
In 2011, an experiment was conducted at Hopkins University in the USA in which volunteers with healthy body and mind were given psilocybin.
Scientists, observing the subjects, conducted a series of surveys, showing changes in the psyche of the experimenters.

Each of them spoke very positively. Many have argued that the experience is one of the most important things in their lives. There were comments about a better self-understanding.

Psilocybin was supposed to activate spheres in people's minds that were previously dormant. Their activation resulted in a significant improvement in the understanding of reality, and thus in an improvement in the standard of living.

Awakening the senses
Thanks to constant observation, scientists noticed an increase or sharpening of certain features among the subjects related to the human psyche. The vast majority claimed that thanks to increased patience, they began to be more understanding towards themselves and others.

The enzyme opened people to sensitivity along with empathy. It can be said that after the experiment, the subjects showed more gentle, affectionate or simply human features.

A real antidote
Scientists quickly concluded that the long-term influence of psilocybin is a kind of remedy for one of the most difficult fevers in the medical world today: depression.
It was decided to jump into deep water and try therapy with the most severe examples of depression, even those where people struggling senselessly with the disease for even 18 years.

Find more information here: mushroom grow bags